The Texas Education Research-Practice-Policy Partnership Network is a network of existing regional partnerships between colleges of education, education nonprofits and education systems who are advancing research that is rooted in authentic engagement with community members and focused on urgent and timely problems of practice and policy identified locally. The RP3 Network is a coordinated statewide effort to accelerate and amplify these existing regional efforts to generate and translate the knowledge, tools and experiences needed to change practice, reform policy, and transform education systems at scale.



Mission, Principles and Values

Why RP3

News and Network Activities


Our Approach

Built around collaborative education research, the Texas Education Research Practice Policy Partnership Network is rooted in authentic engagement with community members and focused on urgent and timely problems of practice and policy identified locally.

Over the next three to five years, the RP3 Network aims to:

  • Emerge as a vital and trusted source for actionable evidence- based products and experiences that teachers, school and district administrators, policymakers and other education advocates
    can quickly access, easily understand, and effectively use to advance improvement efforts locally and across the state.
  • Flexibly and swiftly mobilize partners on policy priorities to position the state to be responsive to future crises like the pandemic that pose a threat to sustained student success, and to accelerate efforts to scale practices and policies that will allow students to thrive.
  • Cultivate and grow the community of researchers and partners who adopt this inclusive and collaborative model to ensure Texas leads the nation in translating research to practice in ways that propel students and communities to bright and prosperous futures.


The pace at which research makes its way into practice is too slow; the mechanisms for local educational innovations to be evaluated and shared systematically locally or across the state are uneven; and the channels for communicating research findings and recommendations to state and district policymakers are underdeveloped and underutilized. The challenge is to locate, study, elevate, and scale, and not settle until all students experience great teaching and learning every day of every year.

The RP3 Network is an opportunity for Texas to generate and spread innovative, evidence-based solutions for students, families, and communities that improve education locally and at scale, and to serve as a model of educational innovation and improvement for the nation. Investment in the Network will amplify best practices by connecting problems of practice in schools to researchers and then scaling solutions through intentional engagement with key decision-makers in education systems and policy agencies.

For information on how your philanthropic can support the growth, development, and impact of the Network, contact Ian Tuski, Chief Development Officer, College of Education, UT Austin.


The College of Education at UT Austin serves as the Network Hub to facilitate a coordinated statewide effort that aims to accelerate and amplify existing regional efforts to generate and translate the knowledge, tools and experiences needed to change practice, reform policy, and transform education systems at scale.

The Network includes two categories of Members that reflect variation in the relationship to research, community partners, and position in the education ecosystem.

  • Research-Practice Members are institutions that sustain research partnerships with the local community to support improvement in educational experiences, outcomes, and attainment for their students over the long-term. These members are key to ensuring the Network is rooted in the diverse communities and students of Texas.
  • Strategy Members, in contrast, are institutions that access and apply a wide range of research findings to inform their institutional priorities and services, and often work at institutions or agencies that are important in influencing systems change. These members are key in ensuring the Network understands the external landscape and is connected to key points of influence to advocate for system change to benefit local communities.

While their roles in the Network are different, contributions from both categories of Members are valued and important to Network operations, influence and impact.

Research-Practice Members

Strategy Members


What is a Research-Practice-Partnership?

How can faculty get involved in the RP3 Network?

Why UT Austin College of Education?